What Should Be The Car Rrental Credit Score?

What should be the credit score for car rental?

When renting a car, there are several important factors to consider. The car rental credit score is one of the most searched and curious topics. Rental companies rent their cars by entering into a contract. In this context, it is possible to create a trustworthy environment for both parties and find a solution in case of any damage, accident, or breakdown. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, we will provide a detailed answer to the question of what the car rental credit score should be, as one of the essential and non-negotiable criteria.

What is a credit score?

A credit score is the calculation given to the structure that includes information on debts, the status of debts, and usage from credit cards and credit deposit accounts. Paying your cards and loans on time, and avoiding debt extension periods, directly affects the score. The Findeks credit score comes into play at this stage. When checking, there is a scoring system ranging from 1 point to 1900. As the score increases, the credit risk level decreases. The higher your score, the better your Findeks credit score is.


So, what should my credit score be to rent a car? If I am in the risky group, can I still rent a car? The most risky group has a score between 0 and 799. If you are in this range, you may face negative or rejected situations when renting a car. At higher score ranges, it may be sufficient to rent a car. However, there may be variations depending on the segment of the car to be rented. For luxury-class brands and models, a better Findeks credit score may be required. When renting, companies may check on your behalf to see if you meet the criteria. Knowing this beforehand can save time and create advantages. For this, you can check your Findeks score. Car rental companies allow you to check your Findeks credit score via SMS from operators. For example, by sending TCKIMLIKNO to 1122, you can learn it for 17.5 TL via Turkish Telekom. Turkcell users can write their TC identity number and birth year with a space in between and send it via SMS to 1122.

In this article, we provided information about what the car rental credit score should be. You can also visit our other blog posts and the campaigns section for more information.

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